American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
ECCFA Senate Meeting
Agendas & Minutes
ECCP3 - Pension Plan Participants

Elgin Community College Faculty Association

10.1 Other Applicable Sections.
The following Sections from the 2011-2013 Agreement shall be applicable to Unit Adjunct Faculty I:
10.3 Inactive Status.
A unit adjunct faculty I member who is not teaching or providing counseling or library service at the college, irrespective of the reason, during a fall or spring semester will be considered an Inactive member of the bargaining unit.
Unit adjunct faculty I members who are inactive for three (3) consecutive semesters excluding summers will no longer be considered part of the bargaining unit. The terms of this contract shall not apply to unit faculty members during semesters when they are inactive. No step movement or seniority will be accumulated for semesters of inactivity.
A unit adjunct faculty member I who resigns from the college in writing will no longer be considered a bargaining unit member and must re-apply for employment if he or she wishes to return to the college.
To re-enter the bargaining unit, adjunct faculty I who have forfeited their membership through inactivity or resignation must qualify again by criterion set forth in Article I of this contract. Employment prior to the period of inactivity or resignation will not count toward qualification.
10.4 Unit Adjunct Faculty I Workload.
- Teaching Faculty. The minimum workload offered to unit adjunct
faculty I shall be three (3) credit or contact hours per semester and shall
not exceed six (6) credit or contact hours each semester without the
written approval of the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student
Development and the Association within 48 hours of the request from
the dean provided such hours are available, and the faculty member is
qualified to teach them. Such approved load shall never exceed twelve
(12) credit or contact hours, except as set forth in Appendix C-6 Letter of
Agreement Regarding Excess Load for Unit Adjunct Faculty.
- Counseling and Library Faculty. The minimum workload offered to
unit adjunct counseling and library faculty I shall be seven (7) hours
per week during the academic year plus an additional 63 hours during
the remainder of the calendar year. Such unit adjunct counseling and
library faculty may work as many additional hours as are available and
for which they are qualified not to exceed fourteen (14) hours per week
without the written approval of the Vice President of Teaching, Learning
and Student Development and the Association within 48 hours of the request from the dean. Such additional approved load shall never exceed
twenty-eight (28) clock hours per week.
A unit adjunct counseling or library faculty I will have preference over non-unit adjunct counseling or library faculty for work they are qualified to do.
- Determination of Load. Following the determination of load and one
overload for full-time faculty and load for unit adjunct faculty II and prior
to determination of work schedules for non-unit adjunct faculty, unit adjunct
faculty I shall have the opportunity to select at least the minimum
workload of three (3) up to the maximum workload of six (6) credit or
contact hours provided such hours are available and the faculty member
is qualified to teach them. The minimum time allotted for load selection shall be ten (10) days. However, the dean/supervisor, with the approval
of the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development
maintains the discretion to assign courses or workload based on
the interest of the College.
Load will be offered and then assigned as follows:
- Full-time faculty members shall be assigned their regular load and one (1) overload, if desired.
- Unit adjunct faculty II members shall be assigned a minimum of six (6) credit or contact hours, up to a maximum of ten (10) credit or contact hours, provided that such hours are available for assignment.
- Unit adjunct faculty I members shall be assigned a minimum of three (3) credit or contact hours up to a maximum of six (6) credit or contact hours, provided such hours are available for assignment.
- Full-time faculty members may be assigned additional hours up to a total of twenty-four (24) credit or contact hours.
- When all contractual loads have been met, it will be at the
dean/supervisor's discretion to assign remaining load.
A reduction in the three (3) credit or contact hour or workload requirement each semester to perform other College business or to seek an approved medical leave without compensation must be approved by the dean/supervisor.
See Appendix C-5 for Load Assignment Protocol Chart.
- Seniority. Seniority will be used to resolve conflicts between unit
adjunct faculty I members who are qualified to teach and wish to teach
the same section of a course. Seniority will be used to resolve conflicts
between unit adjunct counseling and library faculty I who are qualified
and wish to work the same hours.
Seniority is determined in the following order:
- Date of entry into the bargaining unit as a unit adjunct I.
- The total number of semesters worked as adjunct faculty at the College, the person having taught more semesters being senior.
- By lot (i.e. random number assignment generated by Human
Resources for each instance).
- Cancellation. In the event that a course assigned to a unit adjunct
teaching faculty I (UAFI) member is cancelled, the following process will
apply to replace the cancelled assignment provided that it is in the UAFI
member's discipline and the UAFI member is qualified and available to
teach it:
- UAFI shall have the opportunity to be reassigned to a course that remains unassigned.
- If no such unassigned course exists, then the UAFI may select a course that had previously been assigned to a non-unit adjunct teaching faculty member.
- If no such course assigned to a non-unit adjunct teaching faculty member exists, the UAFI member shall have the opportunity to select a replacement course starting with those assigned to the least senior UAFI member.
If within five (5) calendar days before the official first day of classes, a UAFI member's assigned class is cancelled, and if a replacement class, excluding a telecourse, is not available when the UAFI member can teach, and if an independent study is not offered, the college shall pay the UAFI member a one hundred dollar ($100) stipend.
- Working Hours. Unit Adjunct Faculty I members shall not exceed the maximum number of working hours on average per week as defined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the maximum hours an individual can work and still be considered part time. This calculation will include actual time spent in the classroom per week, office hours, and a reasonable configuration of grading, preparation, and extra-duty time and will be averaged over the maximum period of time allowed by ACA rules. If a further clarification provided by the IRS changes this configuration, the ECCFA or the Board will be allowed to impact bargain.
10.5 Evaluation.
Unit adjunct faculty I shall be evaluated in the manner prescribed in all applicable sections of the Faculty Evaluation Handbook.
Unit adjunct faculty I who have taught six (6) semesters or more shall be evaluated every two (2) years. Unit adjunct faculty I who have taught two (2) to five (5) semesters shall be evaluated annually. If the faculty member teaches in multiple modalities, the dean may choose the modality to be evaluated; the faculty member will choose the course. At the dean's discretion or upon recommendation of the evaluator(s), the dean may waive an evaluation cycle.
At the dean's discretion or upon recommendation of the evaluator(s), one additional evaluation may be performed annually by the dean or designee. Prior to an additional evaluation, the dean will discuss the reasons with the unit adjunct faculty I member and an Association representative (at the unit adjunct faculty I member's option). At the dean's discretion, unit adjunct faculty I may be evaluated for each new course delivered.
The dean shall request from the Instructional Coordinator a list of qualified persons to serve as evaluators. The list may be drawn from Instructional Coordinators, Program Directors, administrative designees, and/or UAF II, full-time faculty or other qualified individuals within the discipline or a related discipline. The deans shall assign evaluators from that list.
Evaluations will be performed by one of the following:
- Faculty member (or two (2) faculty members, if requested by the evaluating faculty member or instructional coordinator).
- The dean or dean’s designee.
- Other qualified individual (for example a retired faculty member).
The evaluation procedure for unit adjunct faculty I shall include a classroom visitation with pre- and post conferences and student evaluation of instruction. Student evaluations of instruction shall be completed for all sections taught. All evaluative materials shall be given to the dean.
Each year the unit adjunct faculty I member will submit a self-assessment, including a professional growth plan, to the dean/supervisor. The forms, procedure and deadlines for this evaluation are specified in the Faculty Evaluation Handbook.
If an evaluator or the UAFI to be evaluated has a concern regarding an evaluation, he/she may confer with the dean prior to the next evaluation cycle, and, if necessary, the dean may participate in the evaluation process.
The rate of pay for one faculty member to perform an evaluation of a UAFI or non-unit adjuncts will be $125. However, if two faculty members perform the evaluation the rate of pay will be $150 for the evaluation process.
Unit adjunct faculty I librarian and counselors shall be evaluated in the manner prescribed in all applicable sections of the Faculty Evaluation Handbook.
10.6 Reduction in Force.
Prior to the layoff or reduction of any bargaining unit adjunct or full-time faculty member covered by this Agreement, the Board shall eliminate all non-unit adjunct faculty, then all voluntary overload assignments to courses which the full-time faculty member is competent to fill pursuant to the qualifications of this provision provided the Board may retain those adjunct or voluntary assignments to courses which unavoidably run at the same time as other identical adjunct or voluntary assignments to courses. Therefore, bargaining unit adjunct faculty I positions shall be eliminated prior to the layoff of unit adjunct faculty II positions, and bargaining unit adjunct faculty II positions shall be eliminated prior to the layoff of full-time faculty.
10.7 Instructional Meetings.
Unit adjunct faculty I members are encouraged to attend instructional area meetings. If adjunct faculty I members are unable to attend, they will be given materials and/or minutes from the meeting.
10.8 Professional Resources.
Each unit adjunct faculty I shall receive a permanent parking tag, a voice mail number, an e-mail address, and access to a copy machine. Unit adjunct faculty I names, voice mail numbers, and office numbers shall appear on the telephone list of College employees and in the employee directory.
Shared office space and a shared space for confidential meetings shall be provided for each unit adjunct faculty I member. Upon request, each unit adjunct office shall be equipped with secured file space for each person assigned to that office. Further, an appropriate number of computers and printers and a telephone extension will be provided.
10.9 Grant Related Activity.
Unit adjunct faculty I are encouraged to seek competitive grants both within and outside the College. If resources are available, secretarial and editorial support may be given to faculty seeking grants. No grant will be submitted without approval of the President. The faculty member who proposes the grant and is the principal author will normally be the director of the grant and may receive compensation as designated in the grant application for himself/herself and other necessary personnel.
10.10 Unit Adjunct Faculty I Who Accept Administrative Positions.
Unit adjunct faculty I members who accept an administrative position for 32 or more hours per week or a position as a supervisor, confidential, or managerial employee (as defined in Chapter 115 of the IELRA) will be considered inactive in the bargaining unit and the terms of the contract shall not apply to them for the duration of the administrative appointment. At the termination of the administrative appointment or if administrative responsibilities fall below 32 hours per week, and they are still employed to teach at the college, they will return to the bargaining unit at the same seniority and salary placement they held previously. Time spent in administration shall not count in the calculation of seniority.
10.11 Professional Expense and Development Benefit.
Each unit adjunct faculty I will be granted two hundred dollars ($200) per active semester, not including summer semester, for professional development activities and incurred professional expenses that occur during an active semester directly applicable to their position at the college. If a unit adjunct I faculty does not use all of the $200 during an active fall semester, the remainder will carry over and be added to the spring semester if the unit adjunct I is active in the spring.
Professional development activities and incurred professional expenses may include professional travel expenses, conferences and workshops, tuition, books, professional publications, hardware and software, and other professional activities and supplies. The following are examples of reimbursement claims which are not considered professional development activities and professional expenses: party expenses, snack, candies for students or colleagues, gifts for students or staff, fitness center memberships, personal enrichment classes, cell phones or phone contracts, subscriptions to music download companies or movie providers, dues for professional associations not related to your position at the college, furniture, desks, chairs, equipment not directly utilized in performing the duties of your position.
All requests for reimbursement must be submitted to the dean/supervisor for approval with attached original receipts and completion certificates. After utilizing all funds deposited to professional development under previous contracts, unused monies on a per member basis, up to two-hundred dollars ($200) per UAI member, shall be automatically deposited in the Unit Adjunct Faculty Professional Development and Expense account. Accumulated professional development funds, less any encumbered funds, cannot exceed the total of $300 per total number of unit adjuncts at the end of the academic year. These funds will be allocated on a competitive basis by the Faculty Development Committee and shall be subject to the approval of the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development.
Reimbursement requests must be submitted no later than thirty (30) calendar days following the end of the academic year in which the expense was incurred.
10.12 Tuition Reimbursement.
Unit adjunct teaching faculty I will earn tuition reimbursement for credit courses at a rate of one credit hour for each credit hour taught beginning August, 2005. Unit adjunct counseling and librarian faculty I will earn tuition reimbursement for credit courses at a rate of eight (8) credit hours per calendar year beginning August, 2008. The tuition reimbursement hours will accumulate and can be used for the member, their spouse and children age 25 or younger and shall have the right to receive reimbursement of tuition for all credit courses taken at ECC, in which they receive a grade of "C" or better. Accumulated hours will be forfeited if a member's status is no longer UAF-I. The tuition must be paid in full to request reimbursement and the request must be completed and submitted within ninety (90) days of semester completion or the request will be denied.
10.13 Sick Leave.
Unit adjunct faculty I shall have the right to utilize sick leave due to personal illness or disability or because of a medical emergency or death in the faculty member's family defined as spouse, children, parents, grandparents and grandchildren. If extenuating circumstances arise, the College President may approve additional leave. A doctor's statement substantiating the illness and/or verifying ability to return to work may be required.
Sick leave for unit adjunct teaching faculty I shall be earned at the rate of one (1) day per semester per class taught, not to exceed two (2) days, with unlimited accumulation for reporting to SURS. All sick days shall be available on the first day of each class. Only two (2) days may be used per semester. No payment for unused sick time accrued will be made. A sick day may be used for personal or professional meeting leave. Notice to use a sick day for personal or professional meeting leave shall be given in writing to the dean/supervisor or designee at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance, except in an emergency when such notice shall be given orally, as soon as possible, and thereafter promptly confirmed in writing.
Unit adjunct counseling and library faculty I shall earn three (3) days sick leave per calendar year with unlimited accumulation for reporting to SURS. All sick days shall be available on the first day of the year. Only three (3) sick days per year may be used. No payment for unused sick time accrued will be made. A sick day may be used for personal or professional meeting leave. Notice to use a sick day for personal or professional meeting leave shall be given in writing to the dean/ supervisor or designee at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance, except in an emergency; when such notice shall be given orally as soon as possible, and thereafter promptly confirmed in writing.
10.14 Committee Appointment and Participation.
From time to time the College President or Administration will establish ad hoc or standing advisory committees. If unit adjunct faculty I representation is requested, those unit adjunct faculty I mutually acceptable to the Association and the College may serve and will be paid twenty-eight dollars ($28) per committee meeting hour. Unit adjunct faculty I shall submit timesheets recording their participation for those hours biweekly to the dean or administrator from whose budget the unit adjunct will be paid. No unit adjunct faculty I will be required to participate on any committee.
10.15 Salary.
To be considered for initial placement beyond Lane I, Human Resources must receive original official transcripts within 45 days of notification of unit status. Copies will not be accepted.
The maximum horizontal movement is one (1) lane per year. Lane change activities completed by December 31 and documented no later than February 15 shall be awarded on the salary schedule for that calendar year.
For purposes of compensation placement for unit adjunct faculty, placement at Lane 2 shall require a Masters degree or equivalent experience. Equivalent experience shall be defined as formal recognition within their vocational field in terms of external certification, licensing, or journeyman status to be approved by both the dean and Human Resources.
The "Alternate lane movement shall be permitted January, 2002" provision of 8.8.4 does not apply; however, UAIs shall be permitted to use alternate lane activities beginning January, 2009.
10.16 Discipline.
Disciplinary actions are made subject to the grievance procedure. The College agrees that disciplinary action shall be in a timely fashion with progressive and corrective discipline, as appropriate.
10.17 Office Hours.
Unit adjunct teaching faculty I shall maintain twenty-five (25) minutes of office hours per week for every credit or contact hour of load assignment. Office hours must be held at times and places convenient to both the faculty member and students.
The office hour schedule must be submitted in writing to the dean/supervisor by the tenth day of instruction for approval. All office hours will be posted outside the instructor's office, and the division administrative assistant/office coordinator will be kept informed if the instructor is not in the office or laboratory during office hours for any prolonged period.
Instructors who teach off-campus or online may, with the dean/supervisor's approval, hold office hours in an appropriate location or virtual hours through the college's course management system.
Any disagreements regarding office hour schedules may be appealed to the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development.
10.19 Required Safety and Security Training.
Pursuant to the Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008 (110 ILCS 12/20) Elgin Community College shall conduct training on its Campus Emergency Operations Plan (CEOP) and Campus Violence Prevention Plan (CVPP) annually. Faculty shall complete safety/security training provided through various modalities (e.g. synchronous and asynchronous) by the college and which shall ordinarily take no more than two hours per year. The faculty may utilize scheduled office hours to complete the safety/security training by the fifteenth day of instruction for the duration of this contract. Additional safety/security training will be offered face-to-face on Opening Day, Opening Friday, and Saturday.
< Article IX Download the complete contract in PDF format. Article XI >