Elgin Community College Faculty Association

ECCFA Diversity Statement
The Elgin Community College Faculty Association (ECCFA), as well as all of the ECC community, knows that learning in a college environment happens outside the classrooms as well as within them and from many sources other than books. We learn from each other.
This awareness helped to form our Shared Values of Excellence, Freedom of Inquiry, Equity, Ethical Practices, Accountability, Respect for Diversity, and Community Engagement. The ECCFA confirms these ideals in its work with ECC’s students everyday.
Furthermore, the ECCFA respects diversity and values such perspectives among all of the college’s constituencies—students, staff, administrators, and faculty. Diversity has a powerful role in education, and the ability to accept differences is a necessary life skill. Being knowledgeable and respectful of human variety in all its forms is fundamental to all students’ educational background. In order for students to achieve their dreams, they must accept and respect diversity of all kinds, and they must be allowed to feel safe and included and accepted by the entire college community. We, as faculty, realize that we must promote and model the acceptance of our very diverse college population.
Ultimately, the Elgin Community College Faculty Association believes that any acts of intolerance or aggression toward individuals or groups because of their particular race, creed, color, national origin, gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identification or age are always completely unacceptable in a community such as the one we all strive to create and maintain at ECC. We believe in an open and accepting atmosphere where diversity is not merely accepted but embraced and celebrated. We trust that all of the ECC community shares this philosophy so that all of our lives will continue to be improved through learning.
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