American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
ECCFA Senate Meeting
Agendas & Minutes
ECCP3 - Pension Plan Participants

Elgin Community College Faculty Association

4.1 Academic Freedom.
- Each faculty member is free to present instructional materials and to discuss issues which are pertinent to the subject and level taught within the parameters of the course or activity. Each faculty member is expected to present all facets of pertinent controversial issues in an unbiased manner. Further, the faculty member should be careful not to introduce into his/her teaching controversial matter which has no relation to his/her subject.
- Each faculty member is entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of the results, subject to satisfactory performance of his/her other academic duties; but research for pecuniary return should be based upon current Board policies.
- Each faculty member is a citizen, a member of a learned profession, and a representative of an educational institution. When he/she speaks or writes as a citizen, he/she should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but his/her special position in the community imposes special obligations. As a person of learning and an educational representative, he/she should remember that the public may judge his/her profession and his/her institution by his/her utterances. Hence, he/she should at all times be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that he/she is not an institutional spokesperson.
4.2 Instructor Workload.
All full-time teaching faculty shall be required to teach a minimum of thirty (30) credit or contact hours annually. Faculty who have satisfied the minimum load requirement and teach in excess of thirty (30) credit or contact hours shall be paid at the voluntary overload rate for the full number of excess credit or contact hours. Any assignment above thirty (30) credit or contact hours which is not voluntary shall be considered involuntary overload, except any class needed to make credit or contact hour load shall be considered voluntary.
4.3 Counselor Workload.
- Counselors employed prior to December 31, 2006. Each counselor shall work thirty-five (35) hours per week during the same weeks worked by full time instructors within the academic year. Individual schedules will be assigned by the dean/supervisor after consultation with the counseling faculty. If a counselor is pre-approved to work in excess of thirty-five (35) hours in a week, the counselor shall earn compensatory time at the rate of one (1) hour for each hour worked in excess of thirty-five (35) per week. Compensatory time shall be taken on days during the academic year on which full time instructors are at work with the approval of the dean/supervisor. Compensatory time of up to thirty-five (35) hours may be carried over from the last day of the academic year to the next academic year.
- Counselors employed after January 1, 2007: Each counselor shall work one hundred sixty-eight (168), seven (7) hour days per year Monday through Friday. Twenty (20) days shall be scheduled during peak times between August 1 and Opening Day and January 2 and Opening Day. The remaining one hundred forty-eight (148) days shall be scheduled during the same weeks worked by full time instructors within the academic year. Individual schedules will be assigned by the dean/supervisor after consultation with the counseling faculty. If a counselor is pre-approved to work in excess of thirty-five (35) hours in a week, the counselor shall earn compensatory time at the rate of one (1) hour for each hour worked in excess of thirty-five (35) per week. Compensatory time shall be taken on days during the academic year on which full time instructors are at work with the approval of the dean/ supervisor. Compensatory time of up to thirty-five (35) hours may be carried over from the last day of the academic year to the next academic year.
- Disagreements about scheduling may be appealed to the Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Student Development.
- The Dean of Student Services and Development and the Associate Dean of Counseling will meet with two counseling faculty representatives of the ECCFA to review and discuss the counselor workload. The Dean of Student Services and Development will consider the results during the annual new position request process.
For more information regarding Counselor Workload, see Section 6.16.
4.4 Librarian Workload.
Librarians shall work thirty-five (35) hours per week the same number of weeks during the academic year as instructional faculty. Schedules will be assigned by the dean/supervisor after consultation with the librarians. If a librarian works in excess of thirty-five (35) hours in a week, the librarian shall earn compensatory time at the rate of one (1) hour for each hour worked in excess of thirty-five (35) per week with the approval of the dean/supervisor. Compensatory time shall be taken on days during the academic year on which full time instructors are at work with the approval of the dean/supervisor. Disagreements about scheduling may be appealed to the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development.
For more information regarding Librarian Workload, see Section 6.16.
4.5 Office Hours.
Instructors will hold office hours in their office or laboratory a minimum of sixty (60) minutes each day they are assigned teaching responsibilities. Office hours will be held at least four (4) days per week during those weeks an instructor has teaching responsibilities. When the majority of an instructor's classes are taught off-campus or online and on campus office hours would not make the instructor more available to students, alternatives from the four (4) day requirement may be made with prior approval of the dean/supervisor. Any disagreements regarding office hour schedules may be appealed to the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development. Instructors who teach off-campus or online may, with the dean/supervisor's approval, hold office hours in an appropriate location or virtual hours through the college's course management system. Each instructor shall schedule office hours at a time and place convenient for the students.
The total number of office hours required each week is 10, provided such total number of office hours shall be reduced by one (1) hour if the faculty member is assigned to two (2) or more locations one (1) day per week and reduced by two (2) hours if assigned to two (2) or more locations two (2) or more days per week, except that such reduction shall not be applicable to any assignment which is part of a voluntary overload.
An office hour schedule must be submitted in writing to the dean/supervisor by the tenth day of instruction for approval. All office hours will be posted outside the instructor's office, and the administrative assistant/office coordinator will be kept informed if the instructor is not in the office or laboratory during office hours for any prolonged period.
4.6 Other Professional Duties.
It is recognized that in addition to the twenty-five (25) hours per week of instruction and office hours required of an instructor, additional time is spent in preparation for class, evaluation of student work, studying, working with students, serving on College committees and representing the College to the general public.
4.7 Outside Employment.
Any professional/educational work performed by faculty outside the College during the academic year must be reported in writing or e-mail to the dean/ supervisor as soon as reasonably possible prior to the commencement of such work. Faculty shall not perform any outside professional services which constitutes a conflict of interest with his/her primary job at Elgin Community College or provides impairment to the performance of the full-time job at Elgin Community College.
4.8 Instructor Class Assignments.
Instructor schedules will be assigned by the dean/supervisor in consultation with the faculty in the division. To the extent feasible, all full-time faculty will be assigned their contractual teaching load between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Should it not be possible to assign the regular contractual teaching load to a faculty member between these hours for any reason, the remainder of the load may be scheduled in the evening session or on Saturday. No more than five (5) consecutive days will be assigned during a week. A faculty member may not be assigned a Saturday class more than one (1) semester per academic year without his/her permission except when it is necessary to fill a full-time load. Other schedules may be made by mutual agreement between the faculty member and the appropriate dean. Conflicts may be appealed to the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development.
Load will be offered and then assigned as follows:
- Full-time faculty members shall be assigned their regular load and one (1) overload, if desired.
- Unit adjunct faculty II members shall be assigned a minimum of six (6) credit or contact hours up to a maximum of ten (10) credit or contact hours, provided that such hours are available for assignment.
- Unit adjunct faculty I members shall be assigned a minimum of three (3) credit or contact hours up to a maximum of six (6) credit or contact hours, provided such hours are available for assignment.
- Full-time faculty members may be assigned additional hours up to a total of twenty-four (24) credit or contact hours.
- When all contractual loads have been met, it will be at the dean/supervisor's discretion to assign remaining load.
See Appendix C-5 for Load Assignment Protocol Chart.
4.9 Team Teaching.
For the purpose of this contract, team teaching will be defined as one (1) class section taught by multiple faculty who are each in instructional contact concurrently with all students in the section.
With prior written approval of the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development, faculty shall each be granted voluntary overload pay for participating in team teaching.
The maximum class size for the purpose of team teaching will be defined as in the agreed upon Master Course Table.
Courses designated in the class schedule for team teaching shall be taught only with a team teaching approach. If the minimum class size is not reached the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development may cancel the class.
4.10 Block Teaching.
For the purpose of this contract, block teaching will be defined as the teaching of a class section by more than one faculty with each teaching separate and different portions of the class.
The credit/contact load assigned to faculty teaching in a block teaching format shall be calculated in proportion to the credit/contact load delivered by each faculty.
Class size maximums shall be in accordance with Section 4.23 of this contract.
Minimum class size shall be handled in the same way as courses not utilizing a block teaching approach.
For example, if four (4) faculty each teach one-fourth (1/4) of a four (4) credit/ contact hour course, each will have one (1) credit/contact hour counted in his/her load and compensation will be based on this proportion of the course/credit hour load.
4.11 Online Learning.
For the purpose of this contract, instruction through online learning shall be defined as Online Instruction and Hybrid Instruction.
To promote faculty involvement in non-traditional delivery systems that improve student access to higher education, the College will, to the extent feasible, invest in available training and development activities in the support of Online Learning.
Online Learning course maximums shall be in accordance with the agreed upon Master Course Table.
The College will provide any necessary technical training for faculty teaching Online Learning courses at no expense to the faculty member.
The faculty member shall own any online course materials they develop, but the College shall have the continuing right to use materials developed with College resources. Also see Article IX Intellectual Property.
The development and teaching of Online Learning courses are assigned and approved by the dean/supervising administrator.
A. Online Instruction.
For the purposes of this contract, online instruction shall refer to courses that utilize the Internet as the source of access to the course content and communication for the student and faculty member.Online Course Development:
- A faculty member will receive released time or voluntary overload compensation for the approved development of an online course, not previously developed, equivalent to the credit hours of the course. Proposed courses must be submitted in writing for review and pre-approved in writing by the dean or designee.
- If released time is granted, it is granted the semester of development. Failure to deliver a completely developed course may result in disciplinary action.
- Voluntary overload payment will be processed upon final approval by the Dean or supervising administrator of the completed development of the course.
- The materials developed for the approved new online course will be delivered to the appropriate instructional dean or designee and approved in writing at least three months prior to the implementation date of the course.
- Faculty who utilize a publisher's course cartridge of commercially available/produced online courseware and other instructional materials as the primary source of instruction will not be compensated for course development.
- At the dean's discretion, a fully online course may be developed from an existing hybrid course. In this case, the payment rate shall be 30 percent of the voluntary overload rate for full-time faculty or the unit adjunct faculty member rate, equivalent to the number of credit hours of the course to be developed. However, if the new online course utilizes a publisher's course content pursuant to #5 above, the faculty member shall not be compensated.
- The faculty member shall own online course materials he or she develops, but the College shall have the continuing right to use materials developed with College assistance.
Teaching Online Courses:
- In consideration of the modifications that are required in the maintenance of an online course, a faculty member will receive a stipend in addition to regular compensation each time he/she teaches the course in this format. This stipend shall equal 15 percent of the voluntary overload rate or the Unit Adjunct rate for each credit/contact hour of the online class. If the course is taught as independent study, the faculty member will receive a stipend equal to 15 percent of the independent study rate for each credit/contact hour of the online class.
- At the Dean's discretion, the class maximum may be reduced the first time a course is taught in this format.
- If an online course is taught by full-time faculty, the online assignment shall not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the faculty member's minimum load unless approved in writing by the dean or designee.
- If an online course is taught by a full-time faculty member, compensation shall be paid as regular load, independent study, voluntary overload or summer school rate, whichever is applicable and accepted by the faculty member. If an online course is taught by a UAF I or II faculty member, the compensation shall be paid at his/her pay rate or independent study rate, whichever is applicable and accepted by the faculty member.
B. Hybrid Instruction.
For the purposes of this contract, hybrid instruction shall refer to courses in which approximately 50 percent of instruction, evaluation and communication is provided electronically via the course management system and time required in a traditional classroom setting is reduced but not eliminated.The instructor will determine the required number of face-to-face class sessions for hybrid courses based on an understanding of the learning environment and approved by the dean or supervising administrator. A hybrid course will have a reduction in seat time of approximately 50 percent of a face-to-face course.
Hybrid Course Development:
- A faculty member will receive released time or voluntary overload compensation for the approved development of a hybrid course, not previously developed, equivalent to the credit hours of the course. Proposed courses must be submitted in writing for review and pre-approved in writing by the dean or designee.
- If released time is granted, it is granted the semester of development. Failure to deliver a completely developed course may result in disciplinary action.
- Voluntary overload payment will be processed upon final approval by the Dean or supervising administrator of the completed development of the course.
- The materials developed for the approved new hybrid course will be delivered to the appropriate instructional dean or designee and approved in writing at least three months prior to the implementation of the course.
- Faculty who utilize a publisher's course cartridge of commercially available/produced online courseware and other instructional materials as the primary source of instruction will not be compensated for the course development.
- At dean's discretion a hybrid course section of an existing online course may be developed from an existing online course. In this case, the payment rate shall be 30 percent of the voluntary overload rate for full-time faculty or the unit adjunct faculty member rate, equivalent to the number of credit hours of the course to be developed. However, if the new online course utilizes a publisher's course content pursuant to #5 above, the faculty member shall not be compensated.
- The faculty member shall own hybrid course materials he or she develops, but the College shall have the continuing right to use materials developed with College assistance.
Teaching a Hybrid Course:
- In consideration of the modifications that are required in the maintenance of a hybrid course, a faculty member will receive a stipend in addition to regular compensation each time he/she teaches the course in this format. This stipend shall equal 15 percent of the voluntary overload rate or Unit adjunct rate for each credit/contact hour of the hybrid class. If the course is taught as independent study, the faculty member will receive a stipend equal to 15 percent of the independent study rate for each credit/contact hour of the hybrid class.
- At the Dean's discretion, the class maximum may be reduced the first time a faculty member teaches a course in this format.
- If a hybrid course is taught by a full-time faculty member, compensation shall be paid as regular load, independent study, voluntary overload or summer school rate, whichever is applicable and accepted by the faculty member. If a hybrid course is taught by a UAF I or II faculty member, the compensation shall be paid at his/her pay rate or independent study rate, whichever is applicable and accepted by the faculty member.
4.13 Faculty Personnel Records.
All evaluative materials relating to a faculty member shall be retained in his/her official personnel file.
When evaluative material is placed in the faculty member's official personnel file (hereinafter described in this section as "file"), a copy of such material shall concurrently be provided to the faculty member. The faculty member shall acknowledge receipt of such copy, but such acknowledgment shall not signify anything other than receipt of the material. Non-evaluative material may be placed in the file without a copy being provided to the faculty member.
Faculty shall have the right to examine his/her file upon request. When made during normal business hours, every effort shall be made to comply with the faculty member's request within one (1) business day; but in no case later than three (3) business days. A designee of the College administration may be present during such review. Nothing shall be permanently removed from the file without the consent of the faculty member and the College. Faculty may reproduce material from his/her file at the customary cost, currently $.10 per page.
No material from a faculty member's file shall be made available to personnel or agencies unconnected with the College without the faculty member's consent, except as required by law. This does not preclude verification of employment.
4.14 Pay Period.
Faculty shall be paid bi-weekly over twenty-six (26) paydays.
4.15 Academic Calendar.
By October 1 of each year, the College President or designee will provide the Association President with a copy of the Academic Calendar for the academic year that begins three (3) years from that semester. The proposed calendar will be sent directly to the Association President in time for the Association Senate to discuss changes and forward recommendations by November 1 to the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development's Team. The calendar shall include significant dates for fall, spring and summer terms.
4.16 Length of Academic Year.
The academic year shall consist of one hundred and sixty-eight (168) workdays, exclusive of holidays and spring vacation. The faculty will be encouraged to attend graduations appropriate to their area of instruction.
First year faculty are required to attend meetings for the two (2) workdays preceding their first semester of employment. All faculty shall attend instructional area meetings on Opening Day. (The attendance provisions of 4.18 Instructional Area Meetings do not apply.) One day following Opening Day will be available for preparation and, if needed, to complete other professional duties.
For the purpose of calculating daily rates of pay, the academic year shall consist of one hundred sixty-eight (168) days.
4.17 Grant Related Activities.
Faculty are encouraged to seek competitive grants both within and outside the College. If resources are available, secretarial and editorial support may be given to faculty seeking grants. No grant will be submitted without approval of the President.
The faculty member who proposes the grant and is the principal author will normally be the director of the grant and may receive compensation as designated in the grant application for himself/herself and other necessary personnel.
4.18 Instructional Area Meetings.
Instructional area meetings are defined as divisional, departmental meetings or college-wide faculty meetings. Instructional area meetings will normally not be scheduled more than one (1) time per week during the academic year. If meetings conflict with classes, faculty will be given the minutes of the meeting. Attendance at meetings is expected. When possible, faculty unable to attend a scheduled meeting shall notify the appropriate person at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance. Meetings will be scheduled on Outlook (or current college system) and will be held on campus. Faculty are encouraged to maintain their calendar of activities on Outlook (or the current college system).
4.19 Seniority.
Seniority shall mean the length of continuous full-time employment as faculty of the College. If it shall be necessary to resolve conflicts of seniority between faculty with the identical length of employment, the following factors shall be used in this order:
- All prior adjunct employment as faculty at the College.
- Date of Board action of hiring.
- Lot.
Seniority shall accrue during sabbatical leaves, all other leaves with pay, and leaves of absence.
Seniority may be used to resolve conflicts between faculty members who are qualified to teach and wish to teach the same courses as voluntary overload. In this particular instance seniority will be used to establish a rotation schedule.
Administrators who leave their administrative positions to become full-time tenure-track faculty shall accrue seniority only for that time spent as full-time faculty at the College. Time spent in administration shall not count in the calculation of seniority.
4.20 Release Time.
- The Curriculum Committee Chair and Faculty Development Chair shall
be granted six (6) hours release time each per academic year. None of
these chair persons may expend more than three (3) hours of release
time in an academic semester.
- The Faculty Association President shall be granted seven (7) hours release
time per academic year.
- The Faculty Association will receive an additional fifteen (15) hours of
release time or voluntary overload per academic year to be divided among the Association's officers and committee chairs, excluding the committee chairs listed above. None of these other officers or chairpersons may receive more than three (3) hours of release time or voluntary overload in an academic semester. Release time may only be used when no voluntary overload classes are part of an instructor's assignment. The Association shall notify Human Resources of the distribution of these contact hours sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of the fall semester each year.
4.21 Tenure and Evaluation.
- Tenure Provision of the Illinois Public Community College Act. In the
event Article IIIB., Tenure, Paragraphs 103B-1 through Paragraphs 103B-6 of the Illinois Public Community College Act as amended by Public
Act 82-783, Article XI, Section 264, effective July 13, 1982, is repealed,
the provisions of the Act shall remain as part of this Agreement. In the
event Article IIIB is amended, such amendment shall become applicable
to this Agreement on the effective date of said amendment.
- Criteria for Tenure. Criteria for tenure shall be given to new faculty at
the time of their initial employment. Criteria for annual evaluation and
tenure will not change, once given, for the duration of the non-tenured
faculty status.
- Evaluation of Non-Tenured Faculty.
- During the first three (3) years of employment, the College
President shall cause an annual evaluation to be made of nontenured
faculty. If the faculty member teaches in multiple modalities, the Dean may choose the modality to be evaluated; the faculty member will choose the course. This evaluation shall be performed by the nontenured
faculty member's dean/supervisor in accordance with
procedures prescribed by the Faculty Evaluation Handbook.
- The Elgin Community College Board, at its option, may extend
the probationary period for one (1) additional academic year
by giving the non-tenured faculty member notice not later than
sixty (60) days prior to the end of the semester.
- In the event it is determined by the College President that the
evaluation of the performance and qualifications of a nontenured
faculty member should result in the Board considering
the dismissal of the faculty member, the College President shall
promptly advise the Board and shall give notice to the faculty
member according to the following guideline:
Notification about non-renewal of contracts shall be given no later than sixty (60) days prior to the end of the semester.
The foregoing guideline shall not apply to reduction-in-force, to matters which arise or become known subsequent to the notification date, or to instances in which the affected faculty member shall agree to an alternate notification date.
- During the first three (3) years of employment, the College
President shall cause an annual evaluation to be made of nontenured
faculty. If the faculty member teaches in multiple modalities, the Dean may choose the modality to be evaluated; the faculty member will choose the course. This evaluation shall be performed by the nontenured
faculty member's dean/supervisor in accordance with
procedures prescribed by the Faculty Evaluation Handbook.
- Evaluation of Tenured Faculty. Tenured faculty will be formally evaluated
at least once each three (3) years according to criteria, procedures,
deadlines and forms as specified in the Faculty Evaluation Handbook. If the faculty member teaches in multiple modalities, the Dean may choose the modality to be evaluated; the faculty member will choose the course. If
formally evaluated more frequently, the faculty member's dean/supervisor
shall discuss the reasons with the faculty member and Association
representative (at the faculty member's option) prior to such formal
- Tenured teaching faculty members shall facilitate submission of
student evaluations to the Office of Institutional Research (IR)
for all classes every semester. Aggregate data reports shall only
include identifiers down to the course level. Data on courses
taught by just one faculty member shall not include individual
course identifiers but rather shall be reported in a single aggregate
category by division.
- For tenured faculty members undergoing triennial evaluation, IR
shall tabulate student evaluation data for all classes taught during
the two semesters prior to the triennial review.
- Student evaluations may be used for the purpose of improvement
of instruction and may be compiled in the aggregate to
meet accreditation and other assessment of learning accountability
No punitive action may be taken against faculty based upon student evaluations.
- Tenured faculty shall not be required to participate in formal
peer evaluation of other tenured faculty.
- Each year the faculty member will submit a self-evaluation, including
a professional growth plan, to the dean/supervisor. The
forms, procedure and deadlines for this evaluation are specified
in the Faculty Evaluation Handbook.
See Letter of Agreement Regarding Faculty Evaluation Handbook, Appendix C-1.
- Tenured teaching faculty members shall facilitate submission of
student evaluations to the Office of Institutional Research (IR)
for all classes every semester. Aggregate data reports shall only
include identifiers down to the course level. Data on courses
taught by just one faculty member shall not include individual
course identifiers but rather shall be reported in a single aggregate
category by division.
4.22 Reduction in Force.
Prior to the layoff or reduction of any bargaining unit adjunct or full-time faculty member covered by this Agreement, the Board shall eliminate all non-unit adjunct faculty, then all voluntary overload assignments to courses which the full-time faculty member is competent to fill pursuant to the qualifications of this provision provided the Board may retain those adjunct or voluntary assignments to courses which unavoidably run at the same time as other identical adjunct or voluntary assignments to courses. Therefore, bargaining unit adjunct faculty I positions shall be eliminated prior to the layoff of unit adjunct faculty II positions, and unit adjunct faculty II positions shall be eliminated prior to the lay-off of full-time faculty.
Within ten (10) school days of the reduction notice, the Human Resources Department will schedule a meeting with the faculty member whose position has been eliminated and the Association to review the qualifications of the affected faculty member in order to determine in which disciplines they may be qualified to teach.
If full-time faculty have been reduced to adjunct and work the equivalent of one-half (½) the normal workload or more, they shall be paid that pro rata portion of the salary they would have earned had they worked a full load. Where such faculty works less than the equivalent of one-half (½) load, they shall be paid the voluntary overload rate.
Minimum qualifications and academic support qualifications have been established pursuant to the procedure agreed by the parties for the 1988-1990 agreement and updated in 1999. Such qualifications shall be incorporated herein by reference. Subsequent updates shall be made as new program submissions are adopted and approved as is provided for in the paragraph below. Such new pro21 gram submissions shall be provided to the Association at least two (2) weeks prior to submission to ICCB.
Existing qualifications shall be reviewed as jointly agreed by faculty and administration
representatives appointed by the Association and President respectively; and any proposed changes or notice of no change shall be submitted to the President and Association and adopted upon approval of the Association and President.
4.23 Class Size.
The Master Course Table shall remain in full force and effect as long as it is mutually agreed upon by both the College and the Faculty Association.
Any changes in such Table shall be agreed upon between the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development and the Association.
Class size maximums shall not exceed the numbers established by the Master Course Table without agreement by the faculty member involved.
Enrollment in ABE/GED/ESL classes will be based on documented average daily attendance at midterm (completion of 50% of the class meetings for that class) instead of tenth-day enrollment figures.
4.24 Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation.
See Administrative Procedure 3.403 for the College's policy against discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, which is incorporated herein by reference.
I. Notification
- Any faculty member covered by this agreement who is accused of engaging in prohibited discrimination, harassment, or retaliation shall be notified of any investigation conducted pursuant to Administrative Procedure 3.403.
- Either Union representation or legal counsel is allowed at the investigative stage when an accused faculty member is being interviewed. If the faculty member chooses to have legal counsel present at the interview, a new meeting will be scheduled to accommodate all parties involved. The faculty member shall provide the College Paralegal with written notice of the attorney's name at least five (5) days prior to the interview. Failure to provide written notice or if the attorney fails to appear the interview will proceed as scheduled without legal counsel. In this case, the member has the right to invoke his/her Weingarten Rights.
- The results of an investigation conducted pursuant to Administrative Procedure 3.403 shall be a finding that each alleged violation of the College's policy against discrimination, harassment, and retaliation is either substantiated or not substantiated.
- The outcome of the investigation shall be reported to both the accused faculty member and to the complainant.
- If substantiated, the President or the President's designee shall review and decide whether discipline is appropriate as provided in the process outlined in the "Disciplinary Action" section below and subject to any applicable provisions of the Illinois Public Community College Act.
II. Disciplinary Action
Prior to any disciplinary action being initiated by the College arising from the results of an investigation pursuant to Administrative Procedure 3.403:
- The faculty member shall receive notification of the proposed discipline.
- The faculty member shall be provided the opportunity to reply in writing, or in person within thirty (30) days of notification.
- After an administrative review by the President or the President's designee of any response from the accused faculty member, the President or the President's designee shall within thirty (30) days of the reply referenced in subsection II(B) above notify the faculty member of any disciplinary action to be imposed in light of the investigative findings unless a different process is required under the Illinois Public Community College Act.
- Should the President or President's designee (or other decision maker as referenced in any applicable provision of the Illinois Public Community College Act) decide to impose disciplinary action, the faculty member has the right to challenge that action through the grievance procedure set forth in Article III of this Agreement within thirty (30) days after being notified of the disciplinary action.
- Should the faculty member decide not to pursue a grievance, the decision of the President or President's designee should be final.
4.25 Discipline.
Disciplinary actions are made subject to the grievance procedure. The College agrees that disciplinary action shall be in a timely fashion with progressive and corrective discipline, as appropriate.
4.26 Instructional Coordinator Position.
Instructional Coordinators will be appointed by the appropriate Dean and approved by the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development. Instructional coordinator designations are the prerogative of the Administration; however, a faculty member may not be assigned instructional coordinator duties without his or her expressed consent.
Every attempt will be made by the administration to select Instructional Coordinators from members of the bargaining unit. Under unusual circumstances where no unit member consents or where there are no bargaining unit members available from the respective discipline, non-unit members will be appointed to fill the Instructional Coordinator position.
An Instructional Coordinator shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year. Every such term of office shall commence on July 1 and shall expire on the succeeding June 30. Appointment of an Instructional Coordinator must be made by April 15 for the subsequent term's appointment.
Instructional Coordinators are not required to be on campus during the summer except for assisting in making schedule adjustments and faculty assignments. Provisions will be made for each Instructional Coordinator to have adequate secretarial and copying help.
Compensation stipend rates shall be consistent with the protocols set forth in the Instructional Coordinator Form.
FY 2014, 2015 and 2016Faculty Member:
Course Prefixes:
NUMBERS RATES COMPENSATION Number of Full Time Faculty and Support Staff $297.75 $0.00 Number of Part Time Faculty and Support Staff $148.88 $0.00 Student Credit Hours Generated $0.15 $0.00 Assessment (# of Programs) $240.00 $0.00 Number of A.A.S. Committees $250.00 $0.00 Light Lab $380.00 $0.00 Heavy Lab $1012.00 $0.00 # of Computer Classrooms $60.00 $0.00 TOTAL COMPENSATION: $0.00 QUARTERLY PAYMENT: $0.00 All rates in this form will remain constant through the term of this contract except: Number of Full Time Faculty and Support Staff, Number of Part-Time Faculty and Support Staff, Number of A.A.S. Committees and Number of Computer Classrooms which will increase at the same rate as the base each year.
A supported laboratory has at least 20 hours per week of assigned support staff or work study student time per week and/or a full time faculty member who has traditionally managed the lab as part of professional responsibility.
Instructional Coordinators may choose release time in lieu of the stipend at the current voluntary overload rate. Release time may only be used when no voluntary overload classes are part of an instructor's assignment.
Laboratory & Computer Classroom Support:
Assignments are based on duties for the current year.Light laboratory spaces will be paid at the light lab rate if the Instructional Coordinator allocates fewer than 2.5 hours per week to lab maintenance. Heavy laboratory spaces will be paid at the high lab rate if the Instructional Coordinator allocates more than 2.5 hours per week to lab maintenance. This is comparable to the amount of time an instructor would spend in a three-credit or three-contact hour classroom per week. Instructional Coordinators may not receive payment for both computer lab coordination as well as light or heavy lab coordination for the same laboratory space. Lab support provided during concurrent class time or designated office hours shall not contribute to the Heavy/Light Lab calculation.
Any changes in Light or Heavy lab designation shall be mutually agreed upon between the Vice President of Teaching, Learning, and Student Development and the Association.
4.27 Committee Support.
The College will provide secretarial support for the Faculty Development Committee and Curriculum Committee meetings.
See Appendix C-1 Letter of Agreement Regarding Faculty Evaluation and Faculty
Development Handbooks.
4.28 Faculty Teaching in Multiple Divisions.
A faculty member, who is properly qualified, may request a one-semester teaching assignment in a secondary division, by submitting a written notification to the dean of the primary division and a written request to the dean of the secondary division in which he or she wishes to teach and the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development for approval. A written response to the request will be provided to the deans and the faculty member by the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development within ten (10) school days.
Subsequent requests for a one-semester teaching assignment shall not be arbitrarily and capriciously denied. The faculty member's seniority ranking shall be honored in the second division.
The College reserves the right to evaluate a faculty member who teaches in a secondary division for the first time. If a need exists for a subsequent evaluation, the unit member's dean/supervisor shall discuss the reasons with the unit member and Association representative (at the unit member's option) prior to such evaluation.
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