American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
ECCFA Senate Meeting
Agendas & Minutes
ECCP3 - Pension Plan Participants

Elgin Community College Faculty Association

Appendix C-1: Letter Of Agreement Regarding Faculty Evaluation And Faculty Development Handbooks
ECCFA and the Elgin Community College Board of Trustees agree to form two (2) committees to review and make recommendations for the current Faculty Evaluation Handbook and the current Faculty Development Handbook, on matters that concern wages, hours, terms, and conditions of employment under the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act. Each committee shall be made up of an equal number of faculty and administration. These committees shall complete their charge and submit their recommendations to the College President for approval by the Faculty Senate and College Board. Committee recommendations shall be made by November 15, 2014, unless the parties mutually agree to an alternative date.
If the parties do not submit recommendations by the agreed upon date or in the event that the parties cannot reach agreement on the committees' recommendations within thirty (30) days of their submission, matters in dispute shall be submitted to a mutually agreed third party for resolution.
It is understood that by agreeing to language on these issues, both parties do so without prejudice to any existing grievances/arbitrations.
Appendix C-2: Letter Of Agreement Regarding Qualifications For Unit Adjunct Faculty II
Unit adjunct faculty II members with three years of prior teaching experience as of January 1, 2007, shall teach in his/her assigned discipline or vocational area subject to the following considerations:
If the unit adjunct faculty II member does not currently meet the minimum hiring qualifications in his/her assigned discipline or vocational area he/she shall make annual progress toward the achievement of the necessary academic credentials at an accredited institution. Progress shall be defined as earning a "C" or better in a minimum of 2 credit courses per academic year.
Such unit adjunct faculty II members shall receive priority in the allocation of funds from the unit adjunct faculty II professional development fund. Such members shall also have access to a fund established with a single deposit of nine thousand one hundred dollars ($9,100.00) for assistance in meeting this requirement.
Appendix C-3: Letter Of Agreement Regarding Standing Insurance Committee
The standing insurance committee which is comprised of representatives from the various employee groups will continue to meet regularly for the purpose of reviewing all employee benefit programs for all ECCFA faculty groups and making recommendations to the Board at least once a year concerning possible modifications.
The committee will continue to schedule meetings at least monthly to:
- Review the benefit level and cost effectiveness of all employee benefit programs, and to make recommendations to the Board for possible modification.
- Investigate employee benefit programs for possible future implementation.
- Educate participants and promote the utilization of current employee benefit programs.
- Conduct employee satisfaction and other surveys.
- Engage in professional development so as to better understand how the College's employee benefit programs operate.
- Review reports and other information from the College's benefit providers as appropriate and consistent with HIPAA and other statutes involving the privacy and security of confidential information.
Each party may invite outside consultants to any meeting with prior notice to the Human Resources Department.
Members of this committee shall sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure and safeguard the privacy and security of confidential information.
Appendix C-4: Letter Of Agreement Regarding Definitions Of Light And Heavy Lab Designations
The ECCFA and Board agree to complete jointly a study whose purpose is to articulate a process for designating laboratory assignments as being "Light" or "Heavy" by the end of the 2011 Spring Semester. This, however, does not preclude the parties from mutually agreeing to assign a designation of "Light" or "Heavy" to laboratory on a case-by-case basis prior to the completion of the study.
Appendix C-5: Load Assignment Protocol Chart
Order for Teaching Load Assignments at ECC required, per contract, for all classes, including those added late to the schedule. Independent study does not count in load. A=Regular Load; B=Excess Load for Unit Adjuncts; C= Non-unit Teaching Assignments
Appendix C-6: Letter Of Agreement Regarding Excess Load For Unit Adjunct Faculty
Appendix C-7: Letter of Agreement Regarding Telecourse Instruction
Effective at the end of the academic fall 2014 semester, telecourse instruction will no longer be offered. Until then, telecourse instruction shall refer to the use of commercially available/produced video-based courseware and other instructional materials as the primary source of instruction and including enhancement of the telecourse with the required use of the online platform to post course materials, due dates, course requirements, the syllabus and discussion board communication features with online materials delivered to the dean/supervising administrator for approval, one (1) month prior to the start of each course section.
If not required by the Dean to be included as part of the regular load for a full-time faculty member, the compensation for each section of a telecourse shall be the lesser of the independent study rate or the voluntary overload rate during the academic year or the lesser of the independent study rate or the summer school rate during the summer.
If a telecourse course is taught by a UAF I or II faculty member, the compensation shall be based on the lesser of the independent study rate or the voluntary overload rate. If the enrollment is sufficient to write a voluntary overload contract, the UAF member will be paid his/her unit adjunct rate.
All processes, procedures and dates for records and registration for credit courses apply.
Current digital copies of the telecourse materials (including the syllabus, tests, and other course documents) are to be on file in the distance learning office, no later than one (1) month prior to the start of each course section.
Appendix C-8: Letter of Agreement Regarding SURS Annuitants
As a condition of employment, all annuitant faculty must work only at ECC and not any other public higher education institution in Illinois, and such faculty shall verify their annuitant status with the college before the beginning of every semester.
Annuitants may only work and earn wages up to 35% of their highest annual rate of earnings, as calculated by SURS, beginning after August 1, 2013 to prevent the assessment of penalties by SURS unless the faculty member suspends his or her SURS annuity.
For the faculty listed below, the maximum increase in SURS creditable earnings over the prior year shall be 6%.
Annuitants who meet the criteria to become an affected annuitant according to Public Act 97-0968 in any academic year beginning after August 1, 2013 must provide notice to the College by March 1st prior to the end of the academic year whether they shall either suspend their SURS annuity or resign their employment with Elgin Community College, effective no later than the end of the applicable academic year.
Appendix C-9: Letter of Agreement Regarding Limited Base Increase Impact Mitigation Pay
This is a non-precedent setting, one-time, lump-sum payout to compensate for a limited percentage increase to the base in 2014. The mitigation pay will not be considered part of base salary for future salary increases.
The limited base increase used to calculate the mitigation pay in 2014 will be .75%. The mitigation pay will be calculated on calendar year 2013 base salary earnings for full-time faculty (excluding any form of premium or stipend pay).
The mitigation pay will take place at the end of the Spring 2014 semester and faculty must be in an active unit status at the time of payment. The mitigation pay will be subject to all required withholdings.
Download the complete contract in PDF format.
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