American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
ECCFA Senate Meeting
Agendas & Minutes
ECCP3 - Pension Plan Participants

Elgin Community College Faculty Association

Full-time teaching faculty provide instruction aligned with the college’s strategic goals and evaluate students’ progress to facilitate achievement of their educational goals.
In addition to the job description, faculty members teaching in grant supported programs are required to adhere and to comply with all provisions, qualifications, policies, and procedures set forth in the grant. In the event that the grant requirements contradict or add to the job description, the requirements of the grant will take precedence.
This provision shall not be used to shift administrative responsibilities to the faculty member. Further, the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development agrees to meet and discuss grant requirements with the Association President and/or Association representatives.
Deliver Instruction
- Conduct assigned classes and/or labs
- Prepare lessons
- Provide course syllabus (which shall include course information, grading standards, attendance policies, classroom behavioral expectations, and course outline
- Utilize learning outcomes assessment and measures to improve learning/ instruction
If a lab is involved:
- Prepare labs
- Enforce lab safety procedures
Evaluate Student Progress
- Keep accurate record of student performance
- Provide students with timely feedback
Provide Student Assistance
- Maintain office hours and voice-mail/e-mail communication
- Give career and academic advice
- Refer students to student support services
- Accommodate special needs students
Develop Curriculum
- Review/select textbooks and instructional materials
- Develop/revise courses
- Develop/revise degree/certificate programs
- Review/revise course outlines
- Participate in articulation of courses/programs
If occupational program is involved:
- Consult with advisory committees
Participate in Professional Development
- Participate in professional growth activities that are aligned with the college’s strategic goals.
- Keep current on research and technologies in assigned specialties
- Participate in professional growth activities
- Participate in professional organizations
Participate in Departmental Routines
- Assist in scheduling of classes
- Assist in setting departmental goals, learning outcomes and selection of textbooks
- Participate in assessment of student learning outcomes at the college, program and course-level
- Assist in assessing new equipment and/or supplies
- Serve on standing committees
- Serve on ad hoc committees (for example, search, college task-force, or instructional area committees)
- Participate in program review
- Comply with registration/records procedures
- Verify student enrollment
- Attend College-wide faculty meetings
- Serve on non-tenure faculty evaluation committees in accordance with the agreed upon Faculty Evaluation Handbook
- Complete the requirements of the evaluation process
As a member of a larger academic advising network, full-time counseling faculty provide professional individual and group student counseling, including educational, career and short-term personal intervention counseling services, specifically designed to enhance student self-development and facilitate students in attaining their educational goals.
Deliver Educational and Career Planning Services
- Assist undecided students to begin the career/life planning process
- Assist all students to progress toward their academic/career goals
- Help students design, implement and monitor an individual Educational Plan appropriate for their stated major and transfer goals
- Maintain liaison activities with designated colleges and universities, district high schools (including, but not limited to, collaboration with The Alliance for College Readiness) and ECC academic departments
- Plan and implement the academic advising segment of the College Orientation program for new students
Deliver Instructional Services
- When teaching general student development (GSD) class(es), fulfill job tasks/elements for full-time teaching faculty
- Develop seminars, workshops and other structured group experiences for students (e.g. Decision-making)
Provide Student Assistance Services
- Provide short-term personal intervention counseling services to students whose personal problems/situation interferes with their academic success. Short-term personal intervention counseling is defined as three (3) sessions or fewer
- Provide referral services for students to the College's Student Assistance Program (SAP) and/or local human services agencies for on-going and specialized professional assistance. Provide students with accurate information about ECC policies and procedures and make appropriate on-campus referrals
Participate in Professional Development
- Keep current on research and technologies in assigned specialties
- Participate in professional growth activities
- Participate in professional organizations
Participate in Departmental/Institutional Routine
- Work with the academic divisions in meeting the needs of the College students
- Assist in setting departmental goals
- Serve on standing committees
- Serve on ad hoc committees (for example, search or other departmental committees)
- Participate in program review
- Assist in the overall recruiting and public relations of the College
- Attend College-wide faculty meetings
Full-time technical services librarian faculty manage the automated library services, select materials and manage the library collection to provide students with access to library resources needed to attain their educational objectives.
Manage Automated Library Computer Services System
- Work with IT to identify/troubleshoot software problems
- Train library staff on use of computer system
Assist Administration in Management of Library Acquisitions
- Monitor print and non-print budgets
- Recommend library materials for purchase
- Solicit faculty input on acquisitions
Coordinate and Assist Technical Services Staff
- Train technical services staff in technical services procedures
- Help establish work procedures for technical services staff
Manage Library Collection
- Catalog library materials
- Maintain library catalog and collection
Assist Administration in Coordinating Library Publicity
- Develop information materials
- Create library exhibits
- Create bibliographies of library materials
Participate in Library Routines
- Assist in development and revision of library policies and procedures
- Assist in development and revision of library mission statement and goals
- Help conduct program review
- Compile data for internal/external reports
- Recommend part-time staff for hire
- Assist administration in coordinating library services with other college areas.
- Monitor budget for supplies, services and automation
- Assist in budget planning
Participate in Professional Development
- Keep current on research and technologies in assigned specialties
- Participate in professional growth activities
- Participate in professional organizations
Participate in Institutional Routine
- Serve on standing committees
- Serve on ad hoc committees (for example, search or other departmental committees)
- Attend College-wide faculty meetings
Full-time public service librarian faculty coordinate and provide reference service to library patrons, library instruction to individuals and classes, circulation, and periodical services to help ensure students' academic success as well as provide them with lifelong information-finding skills.
Coordinate and Provide Reference Service to Library Patrons
- Conduct reference interview to determine patron's information needs
- Assist patrons with research using appropriate tools and materials
- Support college operations by providing research and resources for reports, projects and other documents
Provide Library Information Literacy Instruction to Classes
- Coordinate and plan library information literacy instruction with faculty
- Provide library information literacy instruction to students
- Coordinate, develop, schedule and provide library instructional programs
- Assess effectiveness of library instruction program, modify and reassess as needed
Coordinate and Assist Circulation Staff
- Train staff in circulation procedures
- Help establish work procedures for circulation staff
Manage Periodical Collection
- Monitor periodicals budget
- Recommend periodicals for purchase
- Maintain and update periodical databases, records and library catalog
Assist Administration in Coordinating Library Publicity
- Develop information materials
- Create library exhibits
- Create bibliographies of library materials
Participate in Library Routines
- Assist in development and revision of library policies and procedures
- Assist in development and revision of library mission statement and goals
- Help conduct program review
- Compile data for internal/external reports
- Recommend part-time staff for hire
- Assist administration in coordinating library services with other college areas
- Assist in budget planning
Participate in Professional Development
- Keep current on research and technologies in assigned specialties
- Participate in professional growth activities
- Participate in professional organizations
Participate in Institutional Routines
- Serve on standing committees
- Serve on ad hoc committees (for example, search or other departmental committees)
- Attend college-wide faculty meetings
Full-time Archives/Interlibrary Loan Librarian Faculty provides leadership for the college's archives collection and the library's interlibrary loan service. Librarian/ Archivist will identify, collect, organize, and promote the archive materials as a collection of primary resource materials for students, faculty, staff and administration. Included in the collection are materials about the founding and history of the college in a variety of formats including print, visual, oral and electronic. Librarian/Archivist will conduct interlibrary loan services by working with other libraries to cooperatively share our resources and borrow from other libraries on a local, national, and occasionally international level. Librarian/Archivist will provide reference assistance to students, faculty, staff and community and conduct bibliographic instruction.
Manage the College Archives
- Collaborate with other college offices to collect significant historical materials about ECC
- Establish procedures for the acquisition of archival materials from each department
- Determine the most appropriate method for preserving and accessing fragile materials
- Maintain special collections of community resources
- Request appropriate supplies, equipment and budget
Provide Access to the College Archives
- Organize and index the archive collection
- Assist users with retrieval of information and research related to the archives collection
Promote the College Archives
- Work with classroom faculty to encourage use of the archives as primary source materials
- Publicize the collection to the college community through presentations, articles, informational materials, and displays
Manage Interlibrary Loan Services
- Coordinate the lending and borrowing of library materials between libraries
- Develop and maintain Interlibrary Loan policies and procedures, including using the library's automated circulation system
- Maintain Interlibrary Loan records and statistics
- Use databases, on-line searches, OCLC, the internet and other standard library tools to solve difficult requests from library users and other libraries
Provide Reference Service to Library Users
- Conduct reference interviews to determine user's information needs
- Assist patrons with research using appropriate tools and materials
Provide Library Information Literacy Instruction to Classes
- Coordinate and plan library information literacy instruction with faculty
- Provide library information literacy instruction to students
Participate in Library Routines
- Assist in the development and revision of library policies and procedures
- Assist in the development and revision of library mission statement and goals
- Assist with program review
- Compile data for internal/external reports
- Recommend part-time staff for hire
- Assist administration in coordination of library services with other College areas
Participate in Professional Development
- Keep current on research and technologies in assigned specialties
- Participate in professional growth activities
- Participate in professional organizations
Participate in Institutional Routines
- Serve on standing committees
- Serve on ad hoc committees (for example, search or other departmental committees)
- Attend College-wide faculty meetings
Full-time Distance Learning Librarian Faculty will coordinate the development and provision of information literacy instruction and library resources for distance learning students, in addition to providing services to library patrons on campus. Distance Learning Librarian will explore, develop, and share strategies and best practices for integration of emerging technologies to engage online and face-toface learners.
Develop Library Online Resources and Services
- Coordinate and plan web-based library information literacy instruction with faculty for online and hybrid courses
- Work collaboratively with other library faculty to create online modules to support information literacy instruction
- Coordinate maintenance of the library website for most effective use of electronic instructional tools and databases
- Regularly assess effectiveness of online library instruction program and modify as necessary
- Participate in evaluation and selection of paper and electronic materials for the library collection
Provide Information Literacy Instruction
- Help develop and provide library information literacy instruction to faceto- face and online classes
- Help develop and provide library instruction workshops for faculty and staff
Provide Reference Service to Library Users
- Conduct reference interview to determine users' information needs
- Assist patrons with research using appropriate tools and materials
- Investigate and assess viability and adoption of online reference
Participate in Library Routines
- Assist in development and revision of library policies and procedures
- Assist in development and revision of library mission statement and goals
- Help conduct program review
- Compile data for internal/external reports
- Recommend part-time staff for hire
- Assist administration in coordinating library services with other College areas
- Assist in budget planning
Participate in Professional Development
- Keep current on research and technologies in assigned specialties
- Participate in professional growth activities
- Participate in professional organizations
Participate in Institutional Routines
- Serve on standing committees
- Serve on ad hoc committees (for example, search or other departmental committees)
- Attend College-wide faculty meetings
The Instructional Coordinator works with the dean, faculty, and community to implement activities pertaining to areas of assignment to promote program success.
Prepare Schedule(s)
- Obtain faculty input and use enrollment data to optimize course offerings and scheduling
- Prepare schedule narrative
- Review schedule with the dean
- Verify schedule accuracy
- Check for room availability
- Articulate interdepartmental offerings
- Calculate instructor load
- Recommend instructor assignment
- Explore scheduling options
Participate in Faculty Staffing Process
- Recruit part-time applicants
- Review part-time applications
- Interview prospective part-time faculty
- Recommend part-time staff for hiring
- Recommend assignment of faculty supervisor
- Justify need for new full-time faculty
- Participate on search committees for new full-time faculty within their assignment
- Mentor new full-time faculty
Manage Curriculum
- Articulate courses with high schools, colleges and universities
- Coordinate textbook decisions
- Advise deletion of obsolete courses
- Update catalog descriptions and program narratives
- Facilitate development of new courses and programs
- Coordinate standardization of programs/courses internally
- Coordinate standardization of programs/courses with external agencies and/or area employers
- Initiate advisory committee activities
- Develop and maintain program entrance standards
- Lead development and implementation of departmental assessment program(s)
Gather and Disseminate Information
- Act as a communication link between the dean and faculty
- Attend instructional coordinator(s) meetings
- Coordinate preparation of report(s)
- Submit departmental report(s)
- Hold departmental meetings
- Coordinate information requests
Marketing and Promotion
- Analyze enrollment data to determine marketing and/or promotional needs
- Determine market segments
- Coordinate development and preparation of marketing materials
- Develop retention plan(s) for students
- Enhance communication with area high school
- Coordinate inter-institutional faculty visits
- Build community and business relations
- Coordinate career-oriented activities
- Schedule community visits
- Recommend advisory committee members
- Participate in coordinator organizations
Manage the Budget
- *Submit budget requests
- Monitor expenditures
- *Develop prioritized equipment list
- *Review and evaluate equipment price(s)
- Prioritize equipment repair list
If lab(s) is/are involved:
Maintain Labs, Equipment and Supplies
- Inventory departmental resources
- Order supplies and parts
- Maintain lab records
- Oversee preventative maintenance
- Schedule equipment service
- Solicit donations
- Supervise lab personnel
* These task elements could be assigned to divisional equipment and instructional
computing committees.
Unit adjunct teaching faculty II provide instruction aligned with the college’s strategic goals and evaluate students’ progress to facilitate achievement of their educational goals.
In addition to the job description, faculty members teaching in grant supported programs are required to adhere and to comply with all provisions, qualifications, policies, and procedures set forth in the grant. In the event that the grant requirements contradict or add to the job description, the requirements of the grant will take precedence.
This provision shall not be used to shift administrative responsibilities to the faculty member. Further, the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development agrees to meet and discuss grant requirements with the Association President and/or Association representatives.
Deliver Instruction
- Conduct assigned classes and/or labs
- Prepare lessons
- Provide course syllabus (which shall include grading standards, attendance policies, classroom behavioral expectations, and course outline)
- Utilize learning outcomes assessment and measures to improve learning/
If a lab is involved: - Prepare labs
- Enforce lab safety procedures
Evaluate Student Progress
- Keep accurate record of student performance
- Provide students with timely feedback
Provide Student Assistance
- Maintain office hours and voice-mail/e-mail communication
- Give career and academic advice
- Refer students to student support services
- Accommodate special needs students
Develop Curriculum (if assigned course(s) is (are) taught only by unit adjunct faculty)
- Review/select textbooks and instructional materials
- Develop/revise courses
- Review/revise course outlines
Participate in Professional Development
- Participate in professional growth activities that are aligned with the college’s strategic goals.
- Keep current on research and technologies in assigned specialties
- Participate in professional growth activities
Participate in Departmental/Institutional Routines
- Participate in program review
- Comply with registration/records procedures
- Verify student enrollment
- Participate in assessment of student learning outcomes at the course-level
As a member of a larger academic advising network, unit adjunct counseling faculty provide professional individual and group student counseling, including educational, career, and short-term personal intervention counseling services, specifically designed to enhance student self-development and facilitate students in attaining their educational goals.
Deliver Educational and Career Planning Services
- Assist undecided students to begin the career/life planning process
- Assist all students to progress towards their academic/careers goals
- Help students design, implement and monitor an individual Education Plan appropriate for their stated major and/or transfer goals
- Maintain liaison activities with designated colleges and universities, district high schools (including, but not limited to, collaboration with The Alliance for College Readiness) and ECC academic departments
- Plan and implement the academic advising segment of the College Orientation program for new students
Deliver Instructional Services
- When teaching general student development (GSD) class(es), fulfill job tasks/elements for UAF teaching faculty I or II as appropriate
- Develop seminars, workshops and other structured group experiences for students (e.g. Decision-making)
Provide Student Assistance Services
- Provide short-term personal intervention counseling services to students whose personal problems/situation interferes with their academic success. Short-term personal intervention counseling is defined as three (3) sessions or fewer.
- Provide referral services for students to the College's Student Assistance Program (SAP) and/or local human services agencies for ongoing and specialized professional assistance
- Provide students with accurate information about ECC policies and procedures and make appropriate on-campus referrals
Participate in Professional Development
- Keep current on research and technologies in assigned specialties
- Participate in professional growth activities
Participate in Departmental/Institutional Routine
- Assist in setting departmental goals
- Participate in program review
- Assist in the overall recruiting and public relations of the College
Unit adjunct librarians provide reference service to library patrons, bibliographic instruction to individuals and classes, help maintain the library databases including the catalog, support interlibrary loan, circulation and periodical services with assistance as needed to help ensure students academic success as well as provide them with lifelong information-finding skills.
Reference Service to Library Patrons
- Conduct reference interview to determine patron's information needs
- Assist patron in research with appropriate tools and materials
Provide Library Information Literacy Instruction to Classes
- Coordinate and plan library information literacy instruction with faculty
- Provide library information literacy instruction to students
Assist Circulation Staff
- Provide back-up service for circulation staff
- Help establish work procedures for circulation staff
Develop Library Publicity
- Develop information materials
- Create library exhibits
- Create bibliographies of library materials
Assist with Collection Maintenance
- Catalog new materials and help maintain electronic databases
- Weed titles from collection
- Suggest titles to add to collection
Participate in Library Routines
- Assist in the development and revision of library policies and procedures
- Assist in the development and revision of library mission statement and goals.
- Help compile data for internal and external reports
- Participate in hiring of library staff
- Help coordinate library services with other College areas
Participate in Professional Development
- Keep current on research and technologies in assigned specialties
- Participate in professional growth activities
- Participate in professional organizations
Participate in Institutional Routines
- Serve on standing committees
- Serve on ad hoc committees (for example, search or other department committees)
- Attend College-wide faculty meetings
Unit adjunct teaching faculty I provide instruction aligned with the college’s strategic goals and evaluate students’ progress to facilitate achievement of their educational goals.
In addition to the job description, faculty members teaching in grant supported programs are required to adhere and to comply with all provisions, qualifications, policies, and procedures set forth in the grant. In the event that the grant requirements contradict or add to the job description, the requirements of the grant will take precedence.
This provision shall not be used to shift administrative responsibilities to the faculty member. Further, the Vice President of Teaching, Learning and Student Development agrees to meet and discuss grant requirements with the Association President and/or Association representatives.
Deliver Instruction
- Conduct assigned classes and/or labs
- Prepare lessons
- Provide course syllabus (which shall include grading standards, attendance policies, classroom behavioral expectations, course outline and contact information)
- Verify student enrollment and submit grade sheets
If a lab is involved: - Prepare labs
- Enforce lab safety procedures
Evaluate Student Progress
- Keep accurate record of student performance
- Provide students with timely feedback
Provide Student Assistance
- Maintain office hours and voice-mail/e-mail communication
- Refer students to student support services
- Accommodate special needs students
Download the complete contract in PDF format.
< Appendix A: Adjunct Salary Schedules | Appendix C > |